Reasons to own a Smart
The Smart will be the next "cool” car to own for several reasons. First of all the Smart is easy to park and easy on the wallet. Second, you can park two or three Smarts side by side in a single street parking space. Also, the design is eye - catching. Fourth the body is modern in design. Next, it has changeable door panels in stylish colors. Also, The European model gets 60 miles per gallon of gas, and the U.S model 50 miles per gallon. Seventh, it costs between $15,000 and $25, 000. Finally for style, economy and easy parking, the Smart is the car to buy.Practice 51. main, paint, terrible, several, big, broken, strong, back, rusty, front, cracked, terrible, inside, passenger, door, missing, least, gas, broken, broken, fast, first, old, perfect.
2. Outside, inside.
Practice 62. Big black clouds announced an approaching rainstorm.
3.Colorful rectangular from every window.
4.Childern played on the thick green grass.
5.I dream about relaxing white on a beautiful sand beach.
6.They got married in a small Italian stone church.
7.The parents left their two young children with the grandparents while they worked.
8.Mr. Thompson's advanced English class has thirty students.
9.The real estate agent pointed out several minor with the house.
10.Four large bedroom windows were broken.
Practice 71.The people want a smart, experiencd, and houest leader.
2.Most students like friendly, enthusiastic, and imaginative teachers.
3.I am tired of the cold, rainy weather.
4.I am looking forward to the warm, sunny, relaxing days of summer.
5.The prince in a fairy tale is either tall, dark, and handsome or tall, blond, and handsome.
6.A fairy-tale prince is never short, bald, and ugly.
Practice 91.The frightened hungry dog waited for someone to feed him.
2.The little black dog waited for someone to feed him.
3.My mother always bakes a delicious chocolate cake for my little brother's birthday.
4.For his tenth birthday, he received a new metal baseball bat.
5.The coach's enthusiastic, supportive manner gave the team confidence.
Practice 82.Four shiny black limousines were
parked outside the hotel.
small red apples looked
sweet crisp juicy and delicious.
4.Hundreds of
happy cheering football fans ran onto the field.
pretty, new, French teacher is from Quebec.
6.My father bought a
beautiful antique Persian rug as a twentieth anniversary
gift for my mother.
Practice 101.Under the bed, I saw several fuzzy dust balls.
2.I also saw a pair of new glasses.
3.Then I discovered a box of chocolate.
4.Next to it, I found a greasy paper bag with a bottle of juice, an orange.
5.The discovery of a mouse didn't surpise me.